Who created this course?

Hi! My name is Liz McGregor, I'm a Lactation Consultant, Nutritional Therapist, Naturopath and grandmother!

I have combined my lactation consultancy knowledge with my knowledge of digestion and the immune system, to integrate a range of solutions that you can use, to help you and your baby.

Colic and reflux can be very distressing, for babies, mothers and the rest of the family.

Its causes and solutions are so little understood in the conventional medical world, yet digestive distress, food intolerances and even structural difficulties are the fundamentals that Nutritional Therapists and Naturopaths work with and find solutions for, every day.

There are few things in the world that are worse than the sound of your baby crying. It's even worse when you don't know why; you've tried everything and you still feel helpless.

I created this course for many reasons, but basically I wanted to stop the screaming - your baby's and probably your own!

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